Navigating Post-Partum: The Helpful Role Support Groups Can Have for New Parents

We know firsthand that the journey into parenthood is a profound and transformative experience, filled with moments of joy and wonder. This journey can also be filled with exhaustion, confusion, and many other challenges. For many new parents, the post-partum period can be particularly overwhelming as they adjust to their new roles while navigating physical recovery, emotional changes, and the demands of caring for a newborn. This is where support groups can play a crucial role, offering a safe space to share experiences, provide emotional support, advice, and normalize the journey through connection.  

Whether you join an in-person group, connect online, or seek specialized support, the connections made through a support group can help navigate the challenges of postpartum life with greater confidence and resilience. It’s helpful to remember that reaching out for support is a sign of strength, and taking care of yourself is the best way to care for your new baby.

Here are our list of some New York based support groups:

  • The Seleni Institute - A non-profit support organization for expecting and new parents, offering both group and individual therapy along with a suite of postpartum services including support groups and workshops, and community events.

  • Motherhood Center - Is a center that offers counseling, support groups, and programs for both expecting and postpartum moms.  

  • Premier Pediatrics - Located in both Manhattan and Brooklyn, offers a suite of workshops and programs specifically for new parents, including "Beyond the Baby Blues," a support group for new moms 

    If you are someone who is looking for support and additional resources to help navigate postpartum, parenthood and other life’s challenges, we are here for you! Please reach us at for more information about our services.


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