5 Tips on How to Function When Struggling

  1. Do not try to “FIX’ the struggle, rather try to sit in it. The more we try to minimize or “get over” our struggle, longer they will stay with us. As uncomfortable as it may be to sit in the feeling, please know it wil pass.

  2. Make a list of your absolute MUST DOs. This list should only include things needed for your or your children’s basic living needs such as eating, being clothed, bathing, or taking medication. Anything else is allowed to wait until you have more bandwidth.

  3. Connect with your senses. When we are struggling, we can often feel disconnected. We encourage you to put on your favorite playlist or a funny podcast and take a long, slow walk outside. Connecting with nature and igniting our senses can help ground us to the present and make us feel more connected to ourselves.

  4. Name the feeling. Whether by talking to someone, writing it down, or saying it out loud there is a profound power in acknowledging what’s coming up for us and validating the struggle. If it feels hard - it IS hard.

  5. Practice self-compassion and kindness. This can be as basic as, “I’m allowed to feel this way” or “Nothing is wrong with me for having these feelings.”

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