How to Talk About Grief

The Hard Stuff in: Grief

Remember, grief is a natural response to any type of loss. If you're feeling sadness, anger, despair related to loss, it's valid and needs no justification. There is no magic way out of grief -- you must feel your way through.

How to Have the Conversation

  • Make sure who you're talking to about grief is someone you trust and that can hold space for your feelings

  • Talk about what's feeling hard for you

  • Share about the loss specifically; what do you miss?

  • Think about what type of support you're hoping for and say it out loud

What to Say to Yourself / How to Calm the Hard Thoughts in You

(Screenshot this for later)


You can give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you're feeling. Try self-compassionate statements like:

  • If it feels hard to me, it is.

  • I am allowed to have a hard time.

  • Grief is a necessary response to important loss.

  • I can get through this.

  • I can cope with this.

  • I will grow from this.


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